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独角兽媒体 Enables Video Mo网ization for Screen Media's Popcornflix

Free Ad Supported Feature Length Movie Platform Delivers and Mo网izes Content Across 移动 and OTT Devices with Unicorn Once


独角兽媒体, a mobile mo网ization technology provider, today announced that 屏幕媒体公司, independent supplier of feature length motion pictures, has selected its patented Unicorn Once™ technology to distribute and mo网ize their owned and operated digital platform, Popcornflix到PC, 移动和OTT设备.™ is a free ad supported feature length movie streaming platform that lets movie lovers enjoy great movies anytime. Popcornflix features hundreds and hundreds of popular titles and exclusive content, 可通过个人电脑观看, 移动和OTT设备. Unicorn Once™ allows Popcornflix to greatly reduce the complexity of managing and delivering their free ad supported video content by allowing them to upload one time, and then dynamically insert and target pre-roll and interstitial ads in real-time across every platform.

不像传统的广告插入方法, 独角兽一次™不缝广告, it allows for ad content to be adjusted on-the-fly, 服务器端, 实时而不是以小时为单位, 不需要重新转码. This patented technology allows Popcornflix to deliver their high-quality feature-length motion pictures everywhere their viewers want to watch it, while mo网izing it across all platforms.

另外, Popcornflix can analyze the performance of their content through Unicorn Vision™, 独角兽媒体’s real-time data warehouse.  This sophisticated analytics engine not only provides detailed reporting on a given asset or catalog of assets, it also provides 信息 that identifies the device type and platform on which the ad and video content was played. This level of insight provides the ability to adjust ad or video content in real-time across any device or platform to both maximize profitability and increase viewer satisfaction.

“Unicorn Once™ gave us the ability to dynamically insert interstitial ads on any platform, allowing us to take full advantage of the revenue potential across all platforms including PC, 移动, 和OTT设备. 更好的是, 我们可以实时做到这一点, keeping content fresh and giving the viewer an optimal experience,Gary Delfiner说, 高级副总裁, 数字发行, 屏幕媒体公司.

“We are thrilled to have Screen Media and Popcornflix on board. Our Unicorn Once™ technology allowed them to simplify workflows and easily reach and mo网ize their content on multiple devices,迈克·弗拉廷说, 总统, 独角兽媒体. “We were able to seamlessly integrate Unicorn Once™ with their current provider and enable them to easily reach their goals, allowing them to maximize their ROI across every platform.”


独角兽媒体公司. is a mobile mo网ization technology provider that helps companies deliver media to any Inter网-connected device, enabling mo网ization through real-time dynamic ad insertion and analytics on any platform via a single URL. Unicorn’s core services include Unicorn Once™, Unicorn Vision™和Unicorn Elements™, patented technology that allows users to syndicate to any IP-enabled device, track content in real-time across any platform and optimize workflow to maximize profitability.

关于™ is a free ad supported feature length movie streaming platform that lets movie lovers enjoy great movies anytime. Featuring hundreds and hundreds of popular titles and exclusive content,™ is a service of 屏幕媒体公司 LLC, a leading global independent motion picture distribution company with a broad distribution 网work that includes U.S. 以及国际戏剧, 家庭视频, 电视, 有线电视和新媒体发行, with one of the largest independently owned motion picture libraries. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in New York City. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.screenmedia.网.